Thursday, October 2, 2008


It has been a very good day, the weather is so cool and fall is beautiful in Florida. Of course its still "sunny" in the Sunshine State!

Yesterday we became legal Floridians. We got our official driver's licenses, and our brand new Florida tags, and it was easy and stress free. I was really impressed by how organized and efficient the driver's license place was, it was truly an experience!!

The gentleman that waited on me, gave me a lesson on the
Bougainvillea plant. Yes, the name of my street is a flower, and a pretty one at that. My neighbor Kelly (in Nashville), told me it was a flower, we just thought it was a weird sounding long name. ha ha. The gentleman showed me two beautiful Bougainvillea's located across the street. They are green and flowing and the variety he showed me had purple flowers, according to my "teacher", white, red, pink and blue are the other colors of the bougainvillea flowers. Hope to find some in the nursery, would
like to plant one, they grow big he said, "so plant them a bit
from the house". I plan to do just that....

We also had to find another bank today, our favorite, US Bank, is not in this area, we went with Bank of America. So many things to
do when you relocate, so glad my husband takes care of all that stuff; he took a big BREAK yesterday, after finishing up the official moving stuff. I thank God for my husband, I would be totally lost in these areas without him!
To God be the glory, great things He has done.

Last night I visited a church close to my house. That GPS is the bomb, just put the location in, and it talks you right to it. The name of the church is Glory Bound Church of God. The name cracked me up, it was pretty nice. I was surprised at so many out on Wednesday night, so many older people and all ages, and men, I didn't count, but I think the men were the majority. I really thought that interesting. Had never seen that before... Many of the congregation were from Jaimaca,Trinidad, Haiti, the Virgin Islands , Bahamas, Africans etc. There were regular people as well. LOL I love the way they talk, but I had to listen closely sometimes, they probably thought I talked "funny" too.

The closest church to us is over an hour's drive. wow! John says we're strike out and find the churches after we settle in some more. I am looking for a church I can frequent during the week, I can't drive an hour to church, but we hope to get there some Sundays. Starting a mission here is still my vision, but I do enjoy meeting other saints. I know God will give us the very desire of our hearts as we continue with him. Getting late, better get to bed..I like to "get up early"...

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