Saturday, July 26, 2008


Can’t believe I’m up so early….I have never been an early riser, except growing up in the country, where I didn't have a choice! Daddy got up early and we did too.LOL

But today is so filled with expectantcy and excitement as we feast upon our first day after the sell of Tremont Avenue.

The coming week hopefully will be filled with MORE PACKING, or better yet, more cleaning out closets, chester draws, shredding of papers, sorting of MORE books and clothes, appliances....I’m getting tired! We are so looking to spy out the land of Ocala the first week in August, if the Lord wills.

I will need lots of energy today and the days ahead so I’d better get walking, it clears my head and make me feeling like "getting up and at them". No wonder my daddy was always up so early, I must be getting older…..I hope so.

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