Sunday, June 1, 2008


Its always good to get in the word of God and have time with Him and others. On Saturday nights, we have service in our home, I call it a mission in the city. Tonight was good as usual, we sang and prayed and each member gave the Word God had placed on their heart. Some nights I speak or Bro. John, however the Lord leads...

Its wonderful to see how our children are developing and understanding God and His Word, and we give thanks to Him.

David almost always read something from the book of Proverbs, from a child this has been his “favorite” book in the Bible. He read tonight from Proverbs 30:24-28 and really gave good insight about the ant and the unity they establish by working together and how they are an example for us to follow, and to do the same. He started by saying “one ant alone can’t do much, but working together they get a lot accomplished and fulfill the preparations for the months ahead in summer." Working together, they meet their goal, and all can rejoice at the end product. They use forethought and get busy working as a team to finish a common goal.

As he was talking, I thought how wonderful if people had that much sense!! Instead of pulling and fighting each other, why not work together to get the job done. I guess we could if we weren’t so selfish. You see, the ant can’t think only of himself, nothing would ever get done!!

Oh God, we will take your Word, and be like the ant!!


Yvonne said...


Anonymous said...

I know you probably feel about your Saturday time as I do mine on Tuesday night. Noah and his family were saved when the flood came and my heart's desire is that my family be saved! Love ya!

Kim aka Grandma, Granny, Nanny, etc., etc., etc.

Stew's Blessing said...

What is your name anyway!!!LOL yeah etc. etc. etc.hahahah.
Yes the mission in the city is the greatest, did,t know how badly I needed a home mission until several months ago. What a blessing.We have always had service times in our home, but this is a mission and so much better, my family is already saved we're now taking it to the community and others around me.
People need the Lord and while I'm here they will have a safe place to come to the city. Loving it, wish I'd thought of this years ago!!! Love ya,