Thursday, June 5, 2008


Sitting on the sofa looking at the Celtics and Lakers battling it out(yeah like to see the boys play), a thought came to me: blog your meals for the month. I didn’t particularly like the thought, I am sometimes transparent, but this is a bit much! I use two other websits, Peertrainer and Sparkpeople where I log things, meals and all, but no one personally knows me, though I have made many friends and lead a group on Peertrainer, (Glenda's Friends). I needed a moment!!! Talking about accountability…….

But then I really felt it and said so what, why not, so here goes. I have prepared my meals for tomorrow, preparation is key for me, I lose it when I start “starring in the fridge” looking for something to eat!

If you really care about me, give me feedback ,I give you permission to help me. The boxer Joe Frazier said “All of us at some time in our life, are like the man at the stop light waiting for someone to help him across”. For you see, no man is an island unto himself. Thanks!

1 cup plain oatmeal
½ cup fresh strawberries
Cup yogurt(plain)
2 tablespoons wheat germ
Slice whole grain bread (toasted)


Toss salad with 2 tbls. Vidalia vinagrette dressing
1 tsp. pine nuts
2 tsp. flaxseeds
½ cup lentils
cup green tea


Cup turnip greens seasoned with chicken broth
½ cup brown rice
½ cup black beans
1 cup summer squash (love the squash!!)
cup green tea

GR2 Control Protein bar
Green tea


Tam said...

I think this is a GREAT idea. Today's menu looks very healthy!!!

Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to do the same thing and it helps to have the accountability. I am giving myself permission though to eat something really good on the weekend and I just up my digestive enzymes. If I don't boy do I pay for it.

Keep on, keeping on because it is a lifetime choice!

Stew's Blessing said...

Hey Tam, like that picture with the kids! I had a successful day today so far, getting supper ready, don't know about the black beans,haha, eating them for the protein and fiber, don't think I like them....Walked my 3 miles today and am really proud of that!!!and working on the water. I'm enjoying challenging myself, I think that keeps me going, didn't know I enjoyed competing so much, where did that come from, yeah I must keep it up!

Stew's Blessing said...

Hey Kim,
Yeah, I'll make some adjustments, but I love to challenge myself with the streak.. I've found some things I really like that are really good for me, so I don't feel deprived. I make natural granola and have to watch it and make it as "safe", as possible...I wanted to start close to the weekend cause it can be more difficult to keep on track. Catcha later, thanks for caring...

Vic said...

Remind me Glenda to get you a black bean salad recipe I think you will like...You rinse the black beans first, it has onion, tomato and vinegarette dressing over it...It's really good and I don't particularly care for black beans either...

I had a 6" turkey on oat/wheat bread and water with meds/vitamins...Dinner I had ribeye, salad with blue cheese, and steamed asparugus, unsweet tea, small amount of whole grain wheat bread...Snack, roasted sunflower seeds...I ate more bread than usual today and then I won't eat anymore for weeks to come...

Stew's Blessing said...

Yeah, need to try the black bean salad, I eat them but "not a big fan LOL).Talking to my sister today, she loves them, but she has my our daddy's genes(tall and skinny), I hate her....not really. Don't care for bread, and when I have a sandwich, its open faced, but then sometimes the "bread demons get on my track"...John the computer guru, helped me set up from my blog to Sparkpeople website. Click on the top right and find my sparkpage, everything will be logged there, its easier and I don't have to copy things twice. Later. Had a successful day ,29 more to go, LOVE THE STREAKING, got in my 3 mile walk also, yes, I'm proud of me for a change, it really is about me isn't it? Later