Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I’m not talking about menopause, but the kind of change that will be life changing as we follow through with our goals. It has been a long journey for me, but I’ve finally got it! Its so simple now, I wonder how I missed it so long. But life is about change, and if you don’t dance with life, life will run over you and “find another partner”, as Les Brown would say.

What I’m really enjoying about “my ministry in the city”, is the people I run into daily. Many of these people have been in the hood for decades, I’m finally getting to converse and mingle with them through the wonderful medium of walking. Sometimes they wave and yell to me from their cars and front porches “keep it up, you’re doing good”, some even invite themselves to walk with me!

One such lady sits on her porch and seems to enjoy my passing by each day. She encourages me and makes me feel all good inside(you know what I mean). Yes we need encouraging people on the highway of life.

Noticing my perseverance in my walking she was curious and asked “how much more are you trying to lose?” The question sorta took me back because I have left thinking of losing weight, its part of the goal but only a part. Now eating better and loving and liking myself(there’s a difference) and exercising and using my gifts for the good of myself and others, are some of my “keys to success and healthy living”.
I feel good and I am happy in my own skin, and its life changing for me. I always considered myself happy and fulfilled, but now I'm on another dimension of sorts and its great!

I’m pushing myself harder too, each day walking a bit faster and enjoying even the inclines and small hills. Some days I stretch myself an extra quarter or half mile or so, burning even more calories and building stronger muscles, and feeling ever better than ever.

I must admit I’ve taken far too little time taking care of myself, this new life is so refreshing and strengthening to me. I’m recreating myself and it’s the BOMB!

As I walked on, reassessing my neighbor’s coments, I thanked God for the change of life I’m experiencing at this special time of life. The lifestyle changes are life renewing and they are wonderful. I’m not concerned about the scale so much anymore, the inches are the real determiner and the wardrobe don't lie!!!

I thank God for helping me with the changes of my own life. Yes, I’m enjoying the change of life.


1 comment:

Tam said...

I think it's great! Keep up the good work!