Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I am learning to enjoy my snacks.. For some reason, snacks have gotten a bad wrap! When we think of a snack, we generally think chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, soda pops....and such. But there is a better alternative. A healthy snack.
Water and good healthy herbal teas a must for good health also. Water is the best nutrient.

Healthy snacks can curb cravings, they can certainly regulate cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and they can be very good for you. The key is planning ahead, my new philosophy is to stop the cravings before they start!! I've found it hard to stop the mouth when its already in gear.....

A snack is not another meal, just a good way to space out calories and help eliminate strong unhealthy cravings.

Here are some of my favorites and why:

APPLES...Remember the old saying"an apple a day, keeps the doctor away. Sounds good to me. Only about 65 calories(more or less), and no fat, a fresh, unpeeled apple offers about 3 grams of fiber, about 10% vitamin C, and is chocked full of anthocyanins(another name for phytochemicals) They taste pretty good too.

CARROTS.... Powerful vitamin A, Vitamin B6, iron, beta-carotene, fiber potassium. Carrots really give a good full feeling for me. I like a few raisins with carrots, watch raisins they are good but have a high glycemic index. Few won't hurt!!!

POP CORN...can work well. 14 grams of fiber, popcorn is a good snack. But choose low-fat, low-sodium varieties.

ORANGES...A small one has about 65 calories and more than 100% of the days allowance of C, thats great news. An orange is also a good source of thiamin, potassium, fiber and bioflavanoids.

BANANAS..About 6 grams of fiber and plenty of potassium, Vitamin C and Vitamin B6. The B vitamins are a must for a healthy nervous system, and for good digestion. Plus other benefits.. One of my many slogans is " Be Cool, Be Calm, B Vitamins!

ALMONDS... High in calcium, but also have good amount of calories and fat per serving.

CELERY... About 15 calories and a good source of Niacin, magnesium, phosphorus, fiber, Vitamins A,C, K, and B6, riboflavin, and calcium. Wow! Celery is the BOMB! It is believed to lower blood pressure, relieve spasms and is good for arthritis, gout and kidney problems. According to experts, celery acts as a diuretic, antioxidant, and sedative. I try to juice a stalk or two every chance I get. Too bland for you, try celery with a small bit of nut butter, or a low-fat dip. I must have "crunchy stuff"

YOGURT... Can't leave out this fine.. Some varieties have as little as 100 calories and no fat. The "live cultures" boosts the immune system and its an excellent source of calcium, and it provides the good bacteria in the gut, and thats priceless. If you have to take antibiotics, take yogurt to balance the bacteria in the GI tract.

These are just a few of my favorite things, there are a bunch more. Don't forget the seeds, and grapes, and walnuts, and cranberries and kiwis, and strawberries and.. on my..... HAVE A SNACK!


Tam said...

I agree about the healthy snacks. I'm all for it. I had baby carrots just today. I eat them often with my tuna sandwich instead of chips.

Stew's Blessing said...

Hey Tam,
I guess the most amazing thing I'm learning is the less bad I eat, the less bad I want BUT,if I eat some bad stuff, the more of it I want. Trying to stop the craving before it starts, and to keep junk out of my life and out of my house!! Still working on better choices, that's what its really comes down to, isn't it?

Tam said...

Yep, better choices. Every now and again, I will let myself have something "junky". On Easter, I ate some cake. But, I have to make sure to only allow that EVER SO OFTEN. Once you get into "the groove" of eating healthy, it's so much better. Hang in there girl...I'm glad your doing it. Good Luck !!!!!

Erika J. said...

celery is especially good with a big spoon full of pineapple cream cheese. HAHAHA!

Love ya!