Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Life is worth celebrating!!! I woke up this morning with this post in my head......I was laying there thinking and thanking God for many things when I began to realize,"its time to write".

I have set some goals for myself and I added another one yesterday and fulfilled it. I have a bad habit of eating at night, several months ago I made 8:30pm my cut off time. Well that didn't work LOL. I kept slipping and munching.......

Yesterday was such a great day, I ate all healthy meals and a snack, and I documented and stuck to the plan and I was so proud of myself. Got to thinkin, one of my weaker areas is the night thing. I have mastered a good breakfast everyday, and my salad and protein for lunch, and a healthy snack or two throughout the day, and I can easily get enough water in(most times), eliminating animal products well, learning to do better at dinner(most difficult meal), no second servings please! I'm staying focused and in control until the night demons come out(did she say that!)

I worked nights most of my working years, and there learned to eat to stay awake mostly and I wonder if my brain is confused!! May have to train it over... but maybe just have to set some goals and stick to them. Yeah, that makes more sense doesn't it?

So yesterday, I set this goal and logged it 7:PM.......no slipping and sliding, peeping and a hiding(remember that song?, an old Fats Domino...telling my age... I may do an apple or half an orange, but it must be nutrient dense.

So, I did it, it was a bit strange, but this morning I CELEBRATE. I thought to myself, well I'll mention it a week or two down the road, one day is no big thing, right? WRONG! One day is living in the NOW, celebrate your accomplishments now, why wait....

I've found that writing keeps me accountable, even when I slip up, I still log it, who am I trying to fool,... Somebody said "First to thine own self be true...How true......

I've finished my healthy breakfast, taken my supplements, two bottles of water in, think I'll get ready and go to the Y, set some new goals there as well.

You may be thinking, why set an earlier goal when I didn't master the old one, don't really know, the time probably doesn't matter so much; its what I eat that really matters. Eating is really about "convenience" most of the time. If I had to bake a pie like grandmama did, I would seldom eat pie!!! But since Mrs. Smith figured it out, we can have pie, in season and out of season LOL. But if I just eat the apple, I 'm sure I won't overate and I'll get only good stuff, not the junk.

Sounds pretty simple doesn't it, I'll tell you a secret...shhhh... It is, its as simple as I make it, or as difficult as I let it be.... CELEBRATE


Erika J. said...

i'm celebrating today too..

my birthday! haha.

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