Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I have been known to be a little, whats that word,"lazy" Ok there, Ive said it!!! Confession is good for the soul(sometimes). But if I'm to live my dreams, this will have to end; and quickly.... I must be deligent in this walk, if I'm to walk at all. I want to leave a legacy for myself and my children's children. A legacy that not only I can be proud of but the world also. Do not want to die and no one even knew I'd lived. Think about that a minute. Deligence, being in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing. I want to be a skilled learner and a skilled teacher, but even better a skilled ambassador for Christ. So I must be deligent just like Him..
Jesus had that uncanny way of always being deligent on his task. You say yeah BUT He is the son of God, He indeed is God! Indeed He was truly God but don't forget Jesus was also truly man. And He was deligent in his affairs and in his dealings in every situation. Thats what I want for my life and I know you want it for yours.
I must wake up to reality if I'm to succeed and live my dreams. Can't be like the ostrich that keeps his head in the sand. My procrastination must end because deligence and procrastination don't mix. Prov. 6:9-11 says How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep? I must be like the ant, look at verse 6 of that same chapter. "Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise". So there's no excuse now because if we don't have wisdom all we have to do is ask God.
I must prioritize my time, rank things in importance and give 24 hours for His Glory! I have to KNOW and DO those things God has given me to do; in other words, I must live my dreams.
The world has bondages and loves to hold us freemen to their chains, but God can help us and we can be leaders in the world. Prov. 22:29 says "Seest thou a man dilligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men."
If I'm to be deligent, I must have a vision. Prov. 29:18 says "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. Do you know the direction you're going? Have you a clear direction from God? True vision gives energy and helps us to achieve our dreams. Now that I have my vision, I move towards the mark, I have the direction and God gives me motivation! Oh my, I think I got it LOL.
A third truth I've learned is Two heads are better than one. In other words, seek out help, listen to others, surround yourself with people who can help you along your journey. Listen to what others have to say. Let others be critical of you, you want honest people; not those that just give you a "pat on the back." Prov.15:22 says "Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established." I enjoy writing at this time in my life, I 'm joining writing groups and may take a class in writing, its part of my vision for myself.....writing. I find its good to seek help from others when things are going good. Don't wait till you're falling apart to find a mentor, somebody said don't wait till the house is on fire to dig a well....
The fourth principle is to pursue wisdom and build your life on it! Prov. 16:16 says "How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver!" A careful study of the Word clearly points to Jesus Christ as wisdom. Dream your dream and live your dreams and keep digging till you accomplish them. And steady Freddy, don't blow it... We can win, we can succeed, we can live our dreams and fulfill our purpose in this life. For with God nothing is impossible!
We can't retrieve a day, its gone. Take advantage of the "now". Opportunities will be multiplied when we practice diligence. I believe God will bring good things our way, when we are at the right place, at the right time, doing the right things. Time is a wasting, lets live our dreams!!!


Anonymous said...

Truly God is the dream maker. When He plants a dream in your spirit there is nothing that can hinder you from getting there except you! Thanks for this encouraging post.

Keep writing....I have always dreamed of spending a summer in a beach cottage to write a book. And I hate writing...hah!

Stew's Blessing said...

Thanks Kim,
I do enjoy writing, it has become one of my greatest joys. Not because I think I do it so well, but I find I can get things out of me that have laid dormant for so long. When I was in college my professors always commented on my writing. I didn't think anything about it then but now years.......later it has come back full circle.
Your dream is very good and will probably come true, I can see you doing that! really. You have a book or two in you, your life, experiences(good and bad), raising little Ricky(he'll always be little Ricky to me), family and church issues oh my...... What a book. Its our experiences that make us who we are, and others need our "books" to help them through. Sure glad the Spirit lead holy men of God to WRITE...