Monday, August 25, 2014

Write It Down!

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you probably have heard it shouted to you…WRITE IT DOWN!
It is very easy to do mindless eating which results in ….well you know. Just carelessly eating, fixing quick meals, here a bite, there a bite, has lead to more weight gain than you would like to think about, (and same here). But we can change, and change is possible and doable, one bite at a time.

The good news are not alone, and there is help. I challenge each of you taking the BIGGEST WINNER challenge to JOURNAL..yes starting TODAY write down everything that goes in your mouth.

Preparation is everything..prepare and be focused the day before, and stick to your guns. When a substitution is needed, have a healthy one available. I like to plan several days ahead really, takes some pressure off.

Another reason to journal is to become accountable to yourself. When I’m tempted to eat something unhealthy, I think “do I want to write this down). That little thought can reap big dividends.

Start journaling, writing everything you eat down, and the time eaten well help too. At the end of the day, look at what was written, and govern yourself, make needed adjusts and move forward into the next day. Keep positive and pray and have faith that God will help you, as you help yourself and stay focused.
Write it down, and let’s do this, our bodies need  us to drop the weight…and we will!

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