Monday, April 8, 2013


I've been having mobility troubles here of late. But I won't quit, I won't give up and I won't walk too much, haha. I will, I believe at some point in my life, need knee replacement surgery on my right knee. Enjoying a nice game of tennis with my sister years a go, landed me on my right knee, causing an injury that now has become a problem.

. I was a college tennis player, my aspirations were off the hook, I was pretty good too...until Brenda came home from California for a visit and wanted to play a game or two!....Off to the courts we went, it was high drama...until one of her yellow balls sailed way too far, but I was gonna get it! But instead, I fell on that cement, more embarrassed than hurt, brushing myself off, I was ready to play again.
Little did I know at the time, the hospital would have been a better idea. I would feel the pain off and on over the years, but just kept going, I'm tough you know!

 But as the years mounted and as age continued and as a little too much weight multiplied, the knee screamed. I didn't know till recently but that fall made my knee crooked. Yes, crooked, I have walked with a crooked knee all these years, arthritis set in because it was out of joint; now it's bone on bone. But still I do pretty good, and even walked 25 minutes today.
If you have good knees and can walk and go the gym and all that good stuff, let me encourage you to do so. Because when mobility is challenged, it's a different world, believe me!

I thank God for the years and for keeping me mobile even in the midst of my ignorance. Thank you Lord for MOBILITY!  Blessings!

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