Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Persevere..To continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty. Other definitions include:To remain constant to a purpose, an idea, a task in the face of discouragement or obstacles. To persist, to gut it out, to continue, to endure, to hang in there. The Noah Webster Dictionary says persevere means to continue in the same state without perishing, to last, to remain firm, as under trial or suffering. To suffer patiently or without yielding, to bear up under adversity, to hold out.

I immediately think of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world and my Lord. Notice His words in Matthew 24:13 “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” Jesus our great example persevered, he bore up under the adversity, carrying the cross, falsely accused, spit upon, he gut it out, he held up under the pressure, the difficulty, he suffered patiently without yielding. WHEW….to be like Jesus..to persevere!

The aging process is interesting and wonderful! As the years roll by you get to know who you really are, from the experiences of the past to the current moments of life. The past and present seem to meet together at a crossroad that is bitter-sweet. I’m getting to know myself better, understanding the complexities of who I really am. And who am I? I am one who can persevere….

I never thought much about it for life goes by fast and often there’s no time to blink, no less think of what’s happening as the days go by. "Where does the years go….one thing for sure, they go"… a quote from my sister Ella.

I remember the years long ago when I was determined to get an education, going to college without money or much support. It was tough, but I was determined I would hang in there, gut it out, persist. I would not ask my parents for money (they needed theirs), I would work on campus and off campus, I would endure hardness as a good soldier, I would persevere, and I did with the help of God and others, and my own stubborn determination!

We all should endeavor to begin well and end well, so that our steadfastness can be seen by all, for others are watching; some even walking in our footsteps…or trying.

Some laughing, some skeptical, some criticizing but still watching to see if we persevere. The enemy of our soul also seems to have a stake in it, will they give up, throw in the towel, call it quits. But he will be gravely disappointed, I will and continue to persevere.

One of the scriptures that has held me up these many years is found in Galatians 6:9. “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”Paul is saying PERSEVERE…..GUT IT OUT, CONTINUE, DON’T ABANDON WHAT YOU’RE UNDERTAKEN! For God has promised to be with us and help us if we just PERSEVERE!!!

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