Monday, November 17, 2008


An interesting name I guess, but very fitting I thought as I arrived there walking well and happily for the first time last week. Florida is beautiful and the weather now is well, ‘WALKABLE”. Of course the “locals” walk regardless of the temperature…Really…. it’s a sight to see, but this is Florida.

My goal is to reach Jupiter Street, and I’m getting there. But there are a few little steps first. I started counting off the streets last week, from Bougainvillea, to Americana, then Melitas, Mable St., Napple and finally Foremost. I kept thinking Jupiter Street is moving…but I could see the red stop sign, and the cars going back and forward, so I felt I can make it..maybe next week!LOL.

Walking in Palm Bay is great, the city is layed out with thoughtfulness and common sense. There are wide walking paths away from the sidewalks and traffic, you really feel safe and car fumes free. All the major thoroughfares, like Jupiter, Americana, Minton, New Haven, and Malabar etc. have these trails where you can walk, run or bike without fear of being hit by the traffic, love it!

Upon getting to Napple St. for the first time, I thought, that’s enough, far enough;(gotta walk home you know). The voice of reason, took a back seat to, NO! GO ONE MORE STREET….I did, when I saw the name of it, I cracked up, Foremost Avenue………

I needed to push myself to that street, it was therapeutic for me, go on to the Foremost, go beyond what you think you can accomplish, go beyond your own expectation of yourself, go on……….haha

I have to “go on” and fix supper, and get to prayer service tonight.
Foremost Blessings to all…


Tam said...

Hey there...just wanted to stop by and say...."Hey"

Stew's Blessing said...

Hey Tam, thanks for stopping bye. How are you and yours? Planning a big Thanksgiving? Ours should be fun, Kameki and her family are coming over, just talked to Loria, they are coming, and Theresa is planning to come too. Gotta get cooking, LOL....But finally, I WILL HAVE ROOM FOR EVERYBODY....I thank God for ROOM....Its so funny, having room to move around, Glory be to God! Keep in touch, tell Steve and Chandler and Morgan, I love them, and I guess you too haha