Tuesday, November 18, 2008


On this day, the 18th of November, I received a call from a friend, from long ago. I still can’t believe I have just talked to Terry Baker, my childhood friend of some 40 years ago. We talked and laughed and reminisced for over two hours, until she had to go to the bathroom, and I needed to make tuna fish salad. Haha!

My friend has lived in Boston since 1968, the year her father and friend of the family, Harry Lee Baker quit his job at Dupont and took off to Boston, Massachuttsets. We all thought it “strange”, and rumors still swirl… Anyway, Terry was gone and I was so sad. I had tried to keep up with her, but with little success through the years.

Terry became a nurse and still practices her profession in a hospital there. Tragedy struck her life in an awful way some five years ago, when her son suffered a brutal and senseless death in the city. I sent her a card, and lifted her in prayer, but no respond. When my sister and mother died last year, she had contacted the family, and the family gave me the message, but still no Terry. But today….

How she found me? By chance my sister Kaye was visiting Mr. Harry Lee in the hospital, when Terry called from Boston to check on him. She got my phone number from her, and called. What prompted this call after so many years, I don't really know. But I'm thankful and happy. There have been other opportunities in the past, but thankful to get the call today. I tend to over think things, another thing I'm "working on". I am a work in progress.........

It was as though we had never been apart, so much to talk and laugh about, and so much sadness also, the death of her mother in 1989, the lost of three of her brothers, and a son brutally taken in the prime of life.

She talked fondly of my now deceased parents, and the Sunday School beach trips, and the Christmas and Easter plays, and not to mention Mother and Father Day plays, and of course the Children Day productions....….

God willing, we plan to attend the Woodington High School's Reunion in September 2009. I do hope to see her again…..after so long a time….friends from afar….

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