Friday, October 10, 2008


Today was a good and productive day...... Still getting settled and enjoying our new home. Tomorrow we will have family over....exciting for me.

I always enjoy some special time with my husband. We watched a biography of the tennis great, the late Arthur Ashe together this afternoon. It was so moving and informative. A sports nut, and really a TENNIS nut, I thought I knew a lot about Mr. Ashe, but the documentary was excellent. We don’t watch much tv, so this was very special for me.

Then I thought, its supper time, I enjoyed whipping up a chicken dish, threw my own stuff in and was “gone to town”. LOL. The family really seemed to enjoy it, the boys cleaned the kitchen so I don’t know if there were leftovers or not….

I quickly got ready to go to church, here in Palm Bay a lot of churches have prayer, or Bible study on Friday night. As I was coming home, I began to think of how God has really placed nice people in our path so far.

Its been a whole month in Florida, and we have really been surrounded by nice, friendly and helpful neighbors and friends.

My husband bought a lawn mower when we first got here, while the boys were getting started, our next door neighbor (Rob) says, “hey, I’ll get that for you”. My husband said “come on”, he brings his riding mower and cuts the grass and did the trimming too. With all the rain we’ve been getting here, the grass really grows fast, and he cuts it for pennies….Also Rob replanted a tree in the front yard that had been disfigured because of "Fay".

Across the street there is Pat, and her husband Bob. We had met their sons, and they were so friendly, so when we saw Pat, we weren’t surprised. They had sowed some "good seeds" in them....“Come over and see us when you have a chance, she said”. Her husband had five strokes in a month or so, the last one left him quite ill. She can’t leave him for long at a time, so this is why she wanted us to come over. I’m using every opportunity, and every open door I find to help hurting people. Please pray for him and her also. Being a caregiver is very difficult. Also, please pray for Rob and his wife.

I feel ministry in this place, I know we’re not on this street, in this city, in this world by chance, God sent us here; and there is work to do. Jesus said “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven”.Matthew 5:16. Meeting new people and helping wherever I can is truly wonderful, I give praise to God.

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