Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Twenty-two years ago, September 16, 1986, our wonderful son Samuel Tyson Torrence was born at General Hospital, Nashville, Tennessee around midnight! It seems like only yesterday, really, Samuel seemed to have grown up so fast, always moving and learning, and very active as a child. He could get in the most stuff…We once found him in the middle of the kitchen floor with an OPENED bag of sugar, all over the place! Taking off his shoes as soon as we walked in church was a mainstay for him, it could be the dead of winter, but the shoes were coming off!
I can hardly believe he’s 22 years old but its true.

Now he’s a senior in college, looking to graduate with a B.S. in Business Administration with a concentration in accounting, November 30th, my birthday...He is taking his last quarter from ITT Tech on line, and he's busy as usual, making sure his work is completed. Samuel has always liked school and does very well, we're praying he land a good job, or better still, start his own business, which he would like to do.

Last night we gave him a birthday bash, the first party in our new home in Florida. It was wonderful, and we thank God for the wonderful son he has given us. His oldest sister Kameki and her family came over to celebrate with us, having family close by is great, and the grandkids are a pleasure. He really enjoyed having his party with his oldest sister, he has always had Loria and Kenna Boo, but now he has his brother-in-law Kim, nephews Little Kim, and Kenan, and beautiful neice Kelsia. We tried to get some of his favorite things and he really enjoyed it.

Settling in Florida has been great so far, and we are enjoying our newfound life and home. In a way, I feel I’ve been here all the time, the adjustment has been unreal. I started my walking again today, we live right down the street from a nice walking sidewalk that goes all around our area. We are all enjoying our new life in Florida….

Happy Birthday! Samuel Tyson, may God continue to bless your life as you continue to walk with Him….We love you!!!
Mama Torrence


Erika J. said...

Happy Birthday Sam!

Good to see a new post from you Sis. Torrence! Love y'all!

Kasey said...

Happy Birthday!!