Saturday, July 5, 2008


Thirty days of successful, clean and healthy eating accomplished by me, yes I’m proud of myself and plan to continue now that the “streak” is over. What a motivational tool these streaks have become for me. The challenge wasn't nearly as hard as I thought, I guess the first week was the hardest, or should I say more "challenging". I thank God for my family, they didn't baby me, even though I wanted them too.LOL. My husband remembered to buy certain things he knew I needed, but bought things the rest of family liked too. He wasn't trying to "sabatoge" me, just letting me know its my choice, he would say"you don't have to eat it", he's right, and I didn't!!
I need to beef up my walking to 4 miles a day, let’s see…..two week streak starting Monday (God willing). Sounds good to me!!!
I really enjoyed logging my meals and keeping clean the whole month. I log on PEERTRAINER and SPARKPEOPLE, but this added even more accountability.
Now to continue….well that’s up to me isn’t it?


Tam said...

GREAT!!!!! Now, keep it up, you can do it!!!

Stew's Blessing said...

Thanks, and away I go.....