Wednesday, July 16, 2008


To make my weight-loss walking beneficial I really have to pay close attention to my diet choices as well. IT’S A BALANCING ACT!! I have to really reduce my intake of refined sugars, fats and starches like JUNK, the “whites must be eliminated, except for cauliflower. White flour, salt ,sugar and the white in meats must be tapered off. I'm proud I have really been deligent with this endeavor. Instead I replace with more fruits and veggies, white meat (little), fish, and refined carbohydrates, such as cereals(small amounts), and whole-grain bread, a little pasta, and brown rice. These foods give energy for my exercise but will keep weight gain at bay.

Fiber rich foods will fill me up longer and reduce the urge to snack, while acting as the rotor rooter to my GI tract. Of course healthy snacking is good for me.
I now “eat with purpose”, it’s a wonderful way to ignite my new life and repair any health issues I may have. Best of all it’s a preventative strategy, which makes more sense and is more productive. We don’t want to wait for the RED Light do we? My mama used to say “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. I haven't always heeded that truth but I am changing......

Over time, the food eaten affects weight, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, insulin regulation, brain function, emotional health, and the all important immune system.

What I put on my plate, every day will play a major role, along with the gene pool, in determining much about my health and longevity on the earth. Also what I drink plays a huge role too, because so much hidden sugars and caffein and other JUNK hides in our drink choices. I need more good clean water to metabolize fat and to wash out the cells and release toxins from "stuff" we don't even realize we have taken in. ITS A BALANCING ACT!

By using the fork and spoon to my advantage, I can help myself be what I want and what God intended for me.
Yes, that’s what I want!

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