Sunday, May 4, 2008


One of the things I know is that “I’m in charge” of my life and pretty much of what goes on in it!!! That’s really good news when you think of it. Full responsibility, full accountability; yeah I think I’m right about that. It’s really easy to blame everybody else for failures and broken relationships and the like, while others play their part, I’m basically in charge of how I deal with my life.

I’ve found a good attitude saves the day most of the time. I’m certainly in charge of that piece of the puzzle and its my own choices that will make or break me. Oh yes, others stir in the pot but my focus must be on me and how I deal with my life. If I do wrong, I have an advocate with the father, make it right and move on. What more could we ask?

And even when bad things happen, and even when I might be at fault, I can still have a good attitude in a bad situation.

In the 23rd chapter of Luke we find the thief on the cross, dying a cruel death for the wrongs he himself had committed. Yet notice his good attitude in his bad situation.

While the other thief on the cross railed at Jesus, the other one reproved him for his bad attitude toward him. What was the difference?, both men were guilty, both no doubt had done terrible things, one had an attitude adjustment! Not because he got caught, but I believe because he repented, and received the grace of God to “do the right thing."

Notice how the thief asks Jesus to remember him when he comes in his kingdom! Repentance will do that, it will act in kindness and thoughtfulness. Jesus of course graciously honores his request with “this day thou shalt be with me in paradise…. A good attitude in a bad situation won the thief a heavenly kingdom. The thief was in charge of his life, even on a death cross.

I thank God that He has allowed me the opportunity to be in charge of my life, He made a way for me to make the right decisions that can propel me with victory in this life and the one to come!! Oh yes, I’m in charge here, I’m in charge here.


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