Friday, February 15, 2008


I was just sitting here getting ready to start my day babysitting my granddaughter Karris, when the "you need to blog" bug hit me. Karris's babysitter is sick today, so I'm in(ha,ha,ha).I just finished logging in my steps for yesterday on the AMERICA ON THE MOVE site and thought about the accomplisments I've made in the last couple months. I use a pedometer all the time and find I can walk more for a healthy me. I'm on the Iditarod Trail and need to walk an average of 6432 steps a day for six weeks or March 24th. Since starting4 days ago I have walked almost 30,000 steps, thats big for me, real big. Since its the dead of winter, I use the Leslie Sansone video tapes and she's working my BUTT off!!!And I'm loving it!! Going on my second consecutive month of everyday walking with Leslie. Consistency is key(my son David drills me wth this). And the "youngster" is right you know. We are what we consistenly do. Jesus was so successful, not just because he was and is the Son of God, but every breath he took was consistent with the other one. He was steady freddy all the time, the same Jesus, whatever, with whoever, under whatever situation. CONSISTENCY is the key that will unlock the doors of failure and complacency. And away we go... since being constant with my exercise program and my eating habits I've managed to drop 18 pounds quiet nicely. This week I lost two pounds, shooting for four next week. My week starts today. I've found that water is the greatest weight loss tool ever(my opinion), and that fiber rich foods are the BOMB. Of course I've known this in my head for years. But putting in practice is the only real reality, the only real KNOWING.
I began thinking, experts say 1-2 pounds a week is reasonable goal for weight loss. I agree. With 52 weeks in a year, if I just do that, at the end of the year I could realize a 100 pound weigh loss, or at the worst a 50 pound loss. Only thing I'd have to continue till the end of the year to see it!!! But the possibility is there and I'm working on my goal. I'm looking at 82 to go by the end of the year. AND AWAY WE GO.........
Stew's Blessings


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! One step at a time leads us closer to His Victory!

Stew's Blessing said...

Hey Kim,
I thought to e-mail you last night and tell you I had lost 18 pounds, but I wanted to hit the BIG 20 first(ha,ha,ha) Silly me 18 is almost as goooooooood......And then it may have taken you awhile to even check your emails(lol). So you saw it anyway!!!

Tam said...

Good job girl...that's great...Keep up the good work...I know you can dot it.

Tam said...

ooops..."do it" not dot it..HA!