Thursday, January 10, 2008


We are thankful to our God for the beginning of a NEW YEAR, with the excitement and expectancy that can only come with a "newness". But the word resolution brings with it a negative connotation to me. The word resolution makes us think of the failures of the past that we need to fix; and there lies the problem. In this new, bright and shiny year, lets turn this around, we'll makeover the new year. Instead of beating ourselves up over past failures and unfinished business let simply RESOLVE to make some things better as they come our way. If we failed to read the bible daily in 2007, don't say"I'm going to read 10 chapters everyday in 2008. Not only is this unrealistic, but its a recipe for disaster! Can the church say amen....I have an idea. God has given so many foods for us to eat and enjoy, but only a few have I even partaken of; you know same old stuff all the time! This year I want to get familiar with other foods God has provided(not another flavor pound cake) We know that pound cake isn't food anyway, food nourishes the body, heals the body and elevates the mind! Junk foods does none of those things, so why do we eat junk foods; another subject...later. This year when I enter the market, I'll find a new fruit or veggie and actually try it. I'll frequent co-ops and ethnic stores to find these wonder FOODS from our wonderful God. There, I feel better already! A new years MAKEOVER. No beating myself up over "woulda, shoulda, coulda". Its a new day now honey. I like to say,Yesterdays gone, tomorrow may never be, but we have this moment!!! Gotta go find my new food for the week. Be encouraged and MAKEOVER this new year, one step at a time......

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