Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I have a friend in North Carolina, her name is Evangelist Barbara Gardner. Barbara would always have this saying."expect a miracle". One this brand new fresh "New Year's morning", I woke with the same thought, and I do expect a miracle. What is a miracle? I call it some unexplainable feat! Man fall off 100ft. cliff and live; that's a miracle!, can't explain it. If tornado comes, person gets hurled in the air and live. A miracle is a good outcome to a bad situation. Can the church say amen! Think about that, a GOOD outcome to a BAD situation. In this new year, I'm looking for a miracle, I'm seeing the invisible, I'm expecting the impossible; the sky is the limit!!! Just believe and receive it, God will perform what is in his mind and in his heart.
The woman with an issue of blood got a miracle when she least expected it, but she heard about Jesus and made her way to him. We stay with Jesus and watch him work miracles in our lives and in the lives of all that call upon him. God is a miracle working God. We read and rejoice with those who received miracles in the Bible. But in 2008 let us write our own stories of how God worked miracles in our lives; oh Hallelujah! Remember 2008: IT AIN'T TOO LATE FOR YOUR MIRACLE!


Tam said...

Hey Lady,
It's Tam here. I love this post!! I've been praying the same thing..."Lord, let this be the year for miracles".

Hope you and your family are doing well...miss ya!

Stew's Blessing said...

Hey there,
Yes, we're doing very well, thanks to the good Lord! Enjoying the cold weather; we got a little dusting of snow this afternoon. Yes, I'm looking for miracles, and I pray I can recognize them when they come. Don't want to be like the Jewish nation, God sent the Messiah(their miracle), but they didn't recognize him when he came. They were expecting and looking for something they already had....Yes expect a miracle! Good to here from you...

Anonymous said...

I blogged...trying to stir up activity on my page!