Monday, March 31, 2014

Abstaining from Complaining...a MUST

Phillippians 2:14 states..."Do all things without murmurings and disputings. That you may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God. without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world."

Do you want to be a "light" in the the world? Do not engage in complaining!
I join with my friend and fellow worker in the Lord, Apostle Carmichael and proclaim the month of April...A no complaining month. Hopefully...followed by a no complaining life!!

Since it is God who worketh in us, both the will and to do of his good pleasure, (Phil 2:13)...there can be no reasons for murmuring and complaining. God works in do good!...not to complain..
Not only are we taught by the Word not to murmur and complain about our difficulties, problems and stations in life..or whatever we are griping about....we are forbidden to quarrel among ourselves also. What a concept!

We are fortunate to have something from the past to look to that will push us to victory. The Bible says in Romans 15:4.."For whatever was thus written for our instruction, that by [our steadfast and patient] endurance and encouragement [drawn] from the Scriptures we might hold fast to and cherish hope." AMP
There is a difference between "talking" and "complaining" . If you need carpet for your bedroom per can talk about it discuss it with your spouse (you can even disagree)..but if you begin to call your friends and your momma..(or whoever), fussing about how your husband won't let you buy what you want...that's complaining!

We all probably understand what complaining means..When we find ourselves complaining..and we just might, say THANK YOU GOD, OR THANK YOU JESUS!

If you find yourself in the store, the line is long..the cashier is a newbie and slow, and people begin to stay calm and say..THANK YOU the cashier Lord. Then begin to be thankful for even being able to be in a line in a store..many would love to be able to do that!

When we complain...we remain..we close our minds to the opportunities often presented to us during these times. While waiting in line, you may be able to say a word of encouragement to someone, God may use you to calm others don't complain, God has called us to THANKFULNESS!

Join me, starting tomorrow and throughout the month of April...Lord willing as we draw closer to God by living to abstain from complaining.
Follow my blog throughout the I will address the reasons we complain..and who we are REALLY targeting when we complain!
Join me...Let's start.... ABSTAINING FROM COMPLAINING!

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