Saturday, October 16, 2010


It was a difficult day of sorts, for the first time on my Commitment journey I started to think too much. Mama used to always say “stop thinking so much”, my mind can really run away with me sometimes…well I am a human being.

I woke up this morning and for some reason felt a little “melancholy", a little down, a little poor me…I still hadn’t lost 50 pounds yet. HA! No it wasn’t the devil, the children weren’t bothering me, I didn’t have to go to work, no body was causing my blues…but I was like what’s the use!! I can honestly say that in 108 days, this was a first. What was wrong with me, was it the spirit of sabotage?

I have come a long way baby, so to speak, a commitment of “no salt, no sugar, no junk,YEAH ME! has been my lifeline and my salvation for health and healing. But what was up today, and where was it coming from, I had to reposition and fast!

Was something trying to sabotage me, trying to undermine my efforts, weaken my resolve to my commitment, was something trying to counteract my good results and my decisive stance?

I finally ate something and stayed on track, but that mindset was still bothering me. I always say life is mostly “all between the ears”. In other words, watch the mind, as your mind go, you go, more or less. I have to keep reminding myself to renew my mind with the word of God, and to have His mind…without this I’m sure loser!

I made it through the day, and enjoyed a great grill out for supper, perfectly legal to myself, and my God. I had beaten it, whatever it was…could it have been me? We often like to blame others for everything, that makes us look and feel good (we think), but it was only me. As that great motivator Les Brown would say “IT’S JUST LIFE“. I was dealing with life and the frustrations that often comes when our expectations are not met. Proverbs 13:12 says “ Hope deferred maketh the heart sick, but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.” I will keep eating healthy and will lose the weight, I must push through the frustrations and go THROUGH THE PROCESS. It’s as simple as that, and when those times come (like today), I will push and move forward, not backward.

At the end of the day, I had a wonderful talk with daughter Kameki which helped tremendously. We laughed and talked and planned a bedroom and half bath for the house! HA! Good to have a daughter close by, we understand one another, we all need that.

So I didn’t sabotage myself, I stayed true to myself, and with the help of God I pulled myself up out of my own funk. HA! You see sometimes it’s just LIFE!!

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